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Home > Printing business in a sentence

Printing business in a sentence

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Sentence count:22+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2024-10-14Updated:2024-10-14
Similar words: manufacturing businessbanking businessmerchandising businessforwarding businessbusiness accountingbig businessBusiness is businessprivate businessMeaning: n. a company that does commercial printing. 
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1. She runs her own printing business.
2. Our newspaper and our printing business form separate corporate entities.
3. I invested £5000 in my brother's printing business.
4. His oldest daughter, 31, owns a small printing business in Fresno.
5. When I had a small printing business in Stornoway several of my employees were crofters.
6. Last month saw his dreams shattered and his printing business in ruins.
7. To set up an art and printing business had always been his pipe-dream.
8. Three years later Thomas Cook relinquished his printing business and devoted all his attention to being an excursion agent.
9. In 1852 he purchased a small bookselling and printing business in Bloomsbury.
10. His printing business has turned out to be a real goldmine.
11. Franklin established his own printing business in Philadelphia in 1728.
12. Printing business cards on a thirty - inch press is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
13. A warm welcome to the printing business and printing business successful visit to plant and guidance!
14. The Chinese business card printing business opportunities domestic competition keener than international competition.
15. Dan: I that. The printing business has always been that way.
16. He used the house as a base for his printing business.
17. Kate and her partner are setting up their own printing business.
18. At the age of twenty-eight he established his own printing business.
19. The three new machines are particularly suited to printing plate demand high card printing business.
20. Heidelberg 02 financial crisis and had to remising digital and Web - printing business, shareholders also changed.
20. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
21. But Kodak said that its photography and business card printing business is steadily rise again.
22. C warmer in the market, but the business card printing business or encumber its growth.
More similar words: manufacturing businessbanking businessmerchandising businessforwarding businessbusiness accountingbig businessBusiness is businessprivate businessbusiness entityjoint businessgo into businessbusiness enterprisebusiness standingbusiness buildingintermediary businessbusiness indexcarrying on businessbusinessbusiness lineprinting pressline of businesson businessdo businessairline businessbusiness machinebusiness indicatorsbusiness addressprinting machinebad businessbusiness end
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